Single Node Docker Install
We are going to focus on a Docker Single Node Install
- Persist Data
- Private Certs
- Gitlab SSO and JWT
To make this simple we will use the docker-toolkit project.
Clone Docker Toolkit (Optional)
If not already done clone the docker toolkit repo
git clone ~/docker-toolkit
This will setup the toolkit in the folder ~/docker-toolkit
We will be using the vault
The config file is located at
DNS Name
By default the config is setup for vault.localhost
api_addr = "https://vault.localhost"
cluster_addr = "https://vault.localhost"
This can easily be changed to any domain.
If you want to use a different domain, edit those lines
api_addr = "https://vault.svc.lab"
cluster_addr = "https://vault.svc.lab"
The Certificates for the vault server are set in the tcp listener.
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
cluster_address = ""
proxy_protocol_behavior = "use_always"
tls_cert_file = "/vault/certs/vault.pem"
tls_key_file = "/vault/certs/vault.key"
tls_client_ca_file = "/vault/certs/ca.pem"
tls_require_and_verify_client_cert = "false"
You can configure the listener further here, use the vault docs as a guide.
Name | Host Location | Container Location |
Ca Certificate | ~/docker-toolkit/vault/certs/ca.pem | /vault/certs/ca.pem |
Certificate | ~/docker-toolkit/vault/certs/vault.pem | /vault/certs/vault.pem |
Certificate Key | ~/docker-toolkit/vault/certs/vault.key | /vault/certs/vault.key |
The docker compose will control the volume binding if the host is using a different path
Create New Certs
We can create the certificates using the scripts/
Make sure you created a new ca or your existing ca is set in
ca-certificates/ca_name/ca_name.pem ca-certificates/ca_name/ca_name.key
Create a New CA
################ Optional Env var to set cert project path
# export CERTS_PROJ_PATH="~/docker-toolkit"
############## New CA
./scripts/ \
--ca-name my_ca_name \
--certs-proj-path ~/docker-toolkit
############# Install CA
./scripts/ \
--ca-name my_ca_name \
--certs-proj-path ~/docker-toolkit
Run this script to generate a new certificate
./scripts/ \
--certs-proj-path ~/docker-toolkit \
--ca-name $ca_name \
--cert-name vault \
--days-valid "3650" \
--subject-cn "vault.localhost" \
--subject-alt-name "DNS:vault.localhost,DNS:localhost,DNS:vault_0,IP:"
This will create a certificate at...
certificates/vault/vault.pem certificates/vault/vault.key
Copy thos certifcates to the certs folder in vault/certs
cp ~/docker-toolklit/certificates/vault/* ~/docker-toolklit/vault/certs/
Now copy the ca
cp ~/docker-toolklit/ca-certificates/$ca_name/$ca_name.pem ~/docker-toolklit/vault/certs/ca.pem
Our Certificates are now prepared.
Docker Compose
Now its time to prepare the docker-compose.yml file.
Resource Limits
The default Limits are set
- core: 2
- memory: 2GB
cpus: 2
memory: "2048M"
Traefik Labels.
If you want to use traefik to expose your vault you can adjust the labels to match.
############ Traefik
- "traefik.enable=true"
- "traefik.http.routers.vault.entrypoints=websecure"
- "traefik.http.routers.vault.rule=Host(`vault.localhost`)"
- "traefik.http.routers.vault.tls=true"
- "traefik.http.routers.vault.service=vault@docker"
- "traefik.http.routers.vault.loadBalancer.server.port=8200"
- "traefik.http.routers.vault.loadBalancer.server.scheme=https"
#################### Health Check
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
Proxy Network
If not yet created, create the proxy
docker network.
sudo docker create network proxy
Start the Vault Server Container using docker compose
sudo docker compose up -d
Visit the UI at https://vault.localhost:8200
UnSeal Keys and Root Token.
To make it simple you can just pick 1 key share. This will require only 1 unseal key to unseal the vault on restarts.
Save the Root Token and Unseal Key. They are IMPORTANT!
Dummy Values
"keys": [
"keys_base64": [
"root_token": "hvs.AhOoxTm7etEZG1hzzdMcm2Ev"
Now we are ready to start using our vault.